Sunday, March 28, 2010

We're spoiled.......

One of the best things that has happened since we got back to Houston is that Les has NOT been working!!!!!!!! I know, that sounds kind of weird. "What about finances? Does Les get bored? Are you sick of each other?" Those are just some of the questions we've been asked. Answers to those: "The Lord has provided everything we need. Les is NOT bored! Hallelujah! He is focused on getting well. and HECK NO! I'm gonna be so sad when he has to go back to work." One thing has been a bit of a kick in the stomach when the kids constantly want "papa to take me to school AND pick me up" or "papa sit by me" or "I don't want to sit in your lap, I want to sit in Papa's lap" or "I want to stay with Papa". You know, I'd be ok with "I want PAPA to wipe my poo poos", but noooooooooo. I get the honor of that glorious job. It's been so fun having him here all the time!!! He fixes them eggs for breakfast, and they get to go on special errands with him. One of our favorite new sayings from Carter's mouth is, "I'm goin with Papa to the phlebotomist." Seriously? Didn't even know what that was. That's the 2nd time a young child had to teach me a vocab word. The first time was when Josh and Kelly's 2 yr. old little girl and I were playing "mama and Audrey". I was Audrey, the 2 yr. old and she was Mama. We were on our way to go "ride horses" and she said, "sshhhhhh! The horses are dormant." I figured that had something to do with sleeping since she shhhhhed me, and the spanish word for "to sleep" is dormir. Nice.

These are some pictures of us around the house......

they're doing his stretches with him

Also, I promised a picture of my little Lloyd Christmas......

.....and yes, he is in his "tongue tied taylor" outfit

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